Pilgrim Lutheran Christian Church receives Holy Communion every first and third Sunday of the Month
It is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ under the bread and wine, instituted by Christ Himself for us Christians to eat and to drink (small Catechism) Our Lord Jesus Christ instituted the Sacrament of Holy Communion with these words:
"This is My body, give for you. This cup is My blood of the new testament, shed for you for the forgiveness of sins."
Matt 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-20; 1 Cor. 11:23-25
We believe the Sacrament of Holy Communion is a gift of Christ to His Church and that all who receive this gift must first examine themselves concerning matters of Biblical faith and Godly living.
"Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink the cup."
1 Corinthians 11:28
We ask that you examine yourself according to these questions:
Do you believe that I am a sinner without hope of eternal life apart from God's mercy offered through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?
Do I repent of my sins in thought, speech, and behavior as well as my failure to do the good things God wants me to do?
Do I believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son and my personal Savior?
Do I believe that Jesus Christ is personally and physically present in the sacrament of Holy Communion with His body and His blood?
Do I desire, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the instruction of God's Word, to live a life please Him?
We believe your "yes" to these questions affirms a common faith with confirmed Lutheran Christians and is your invitation to our Lord's Table of Holy Communion. Adults and Children who have no been confirmed or instructed in Holy Communion are welcome to come forward and receive pastoral blessing.